One of the most festive parts of the holidays is often the drinks. But drinks are a pitfall because most people have no idea how many calories some of the drinks have.
Additionally, alcohol lowers your inhibitions to the point that before you know it, you’re scarfing down a few pieces of that pumpkin pie at 9 in the evening while laughing and talking to your family and friends. Continue reading
Many times, you not only host a family meal but attend numerous family holiday meals, including your own family and friends’ families each holiday season. This is very common in most parts of the world where holiday open houses are popular. The family holiday meal doesn’t have to be your downfall, and you can still enjoy it. Continue reading
Every year, workplaces have holiday parties. You probably don’t really want to go but you know you should. Instead of thinking of it as a party, think of it as a networking event with your coworkers. Plan to talk to each person at the party to ensure that they know who you are before they leave. Continue reading